Directed by: Damon Fepulea’i Screenplay: Halaifonua Finau, Damon Fepulea’i, Leki Jackson-Bourke Director of photography: Andrew McGeorge Edited by: Damon Fepulea’i, Paul Maxwell, Ben Powdrell Cast: John-Paul Foliaki, Dimitrius Schuster-Koloamatangi, Ilaisaane Green, Onetoto Ikavuka, Mikey Falesiu
Maka is a Tongan rugby superfan and he’ll do anything to get to the World Cup match between Tonga and France. But the game is sold out and there’s no way to get more tickets. Then he has an idea. Maka has just four weeks and a few friends to put his crazy scheme into action. A comedy that was inspired by a true story.